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Post #3: Digital divide and adult learning

As the role of technology is increasing in providing study material and carrying out learning activities, learners and instructors are sometimes frustrated with the technology and can cause significant slowdown of the learning process. Significant training would be needed to bring the learners to the desired technical competency and it might not be possible to make it the part of the course structure due to time restrictions and it would not be worthwhile going for the course without desired competencies. This can be handled by providing learners with an opportunity to upgrade their skills before the start of the course that would help them to deal with the course material more effectively. The impact of digital divide is more prominent in adult learners as the pace of technological development is very fast and it is a challenge in itself to keep up with the developments.

If modern information technology gaps are not met, access to learning resources would be limited, online learning would not be possible or have reduced participation, digital literacy which is a valuable skill would not be developed, job prospects would be lower as organizations are going through phases of digital transformation, and opportunities for skill upgradation and self directed learning would be ineffective.

A significant effort is needed on part of instructor, institution and learner to get all the benefits of the technology.

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