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Post #1: Current trends in Cloud Computing

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

I have decided to explore current trends in cloud computing as I am Azure certified, a cloud computing platform from Microsoft. This would help me to enhance my understanding of current developments in Cloud computing and prepare myself for teaching the current developments.

Computation is costly in terms of cost of hardware and energy consumption. Cloud computing is a framework that provides computing resources such as servers, storage, databases and software applications via the internet as per demand. These resources help with scalability and flexibility. This means that users access these resources from anywhere at any time on any device with a stable internet connection. Cloud computing enables organizations to virtually use computing resources instead of investing in internal infrastructures and data centers. I am cloud certified instructor and believe that current trends in cloud computing would have large impact on the way the businesses would work.

There are three main types of cloud computing services which helps businesses to decide their model of working. They are as follows:

1. Software as a service (SaaS) : It is a type of cloud computing service in which the provider hosts software applications and makes them available to customers over the internet.

2. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) : This is a type of cloud computing service in which the provider offers virtualized computing resources such as servers, storage and networking over the internet.

3. Platform as a service ( PaaS) is a type of cloud computing service in which the user gets access to a platform for developing, deploying and managing applications.

Many cloud service providers like Google, Microsoft, IBM, Amazon etc. are working on these trends so that more cost effective services can be provided to users with high efficiency. The top cloud computing trends are mentioned below and I believe currently more internationally trained professionals in the field. This is due to the technical nature of jobs which require a degree in STEM fields and to fulfill the shortage the international talent pool is needed for.

AI and ML: One of the most trending technologies that are close to cloud computing is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. They are cost effective technologies as they require high computational power and storage for the collection of data and training.

Major trends that will grow in this sector in the upcoming years are self automation, self learning, personalised cloud, high data security, and privacy.

The use of multi and hybrid solutions is increasing. Many organisations are using hybrid cloud service thats offers a combination of both private and public clouds to store their data.

Low code and no code cloud solutions. These solutions can help in the development of websites, apps and services etc. without having any technical knowledge. This helps in reducing the time and cost involved to create solutions. It helps to increase product development and result in a smaller number of errors.

The internet of things (IoT) is a trend which is becoming popular day by day. It involves the use of many sensors that generate a huge amount of data which gets storage on cloud servers. It can remotely collect data and communicate with the devices.

Kubernetes and Docker are among the trending and evolving technologies in cloud computing. They are an open- source platform that manages services and workloads from a single location while running applications from a single source. They provide scalability and efficiency to many large -scale deployments. Kubernetes and Docker play a major role in managing cloud deployments of cloud users and organisations.

Cloud computing also provides serverless computing. This is a methodology that provides backend services on a per-user basis. Cloud users will pay as per the pay-as-you-go format which means that users only pay when their code runs instead for a fixed server.


There are even more trends in cloud computing such as Blockchain, devSecOps, disaster recovery and backup, quantum computing etc. that are becoming popular.

With the upcoming trends and new advancements in cloud computing, high scalability can be reached now with time and cost effectiveness due to pay-as-you-go format. This is encouraging businesses all over the world to use cloud services and make the most of these technologies to scale their business. Cloud computing services provide cost - effectiveness with high features like data security, data recovery and backup, serverless computing. To prepare for these trends I would need to adapt to constantly keep myself updated through certifications or self study. Teaching my students should be aligned with the needs of the cloud service providers as these providers also create resources to teach the future workforce. Cloud computing using Artificial Intelligence is the best upcoming cloud technology in the future.

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